About Me

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amsterdam, Netherlands
designer, dj, thinker. all work copyright protected.

"... tudo o que vejo tem ponto de beleza e crueldade, pois o que é belo é cruel e nao ha nada que se possa fazer àcerca disso." "all i see has beauty and cruelty in it, for all that is beautyfull is also cruel an there's nothing you can do about it."

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

silence of you

silence of you,
till when will you last
i hope for this light,
but night keeps us apart.

sharp secrets sleep,
blood pours from each dart
be gone sweet talk,
whispering slowly by dark.

so i wish you could see,
eyes that tear me apart
that in the salt of your tears,
runs the warmth of my heart.

oh silence of you,
long you will last
i have hoped for this light,
but night keeps us apart.

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