About Me

My photo
amsterdam, Netherlands
designer, dj, thinker. all work copyright protected.

"... tudo o que vejo tem ponto de beleza e crueldade, pois o que é belo é cruel e nao ha nada que se possa fazer àcerca disso." "all i see has beauty and cruelty in it, for all that is beautyfull is also cruel an there's nothing you can do about it."

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

These moves of letting know

driven full on things to speak out
things to love without a doubt
my heart grew bigger than my fists
arms curved, gave me kind of a twist...

i became unfit for what came next.

not knowing who's listening or why
upper-cuts on hold, standing by
unleashed on the shade of an absent eye

one after the other after the other...

they have cracked my ribs,
nearly pushed me aside…

but not quite.