About Me

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amsterdam, Netherlands
designer, dj, thinker. all work copyright protected.

"... tudo o que vejo tem ponto de beleza e crueldade, pois o que é belo é cruel e nao ha nada que se possa fazer àcerca disso." "all i see has beauty and cruelty in it, for all that is beautyfull is also cruel an there's nothing you can do about it."

Thursday, January 07, 2010

visions of others but me

i see...

floating icy landscapes,
tigers on trees,
i see people who see me...

i see...
i see...

what do i see if others but me...

i see them dance and love and be,
i see them colors of earth and sea,
and tastes of freshness and warmth, but me...

what do i see...

crash-test-dummy high on coffe and tea,
smell the sun, taste the air and hug a tree

i see it all, when there's nothing to see,

what do i see
what do i see

if others but me...

1 comment:

Tiny Tear said...

Love it : )