About Me

My photo
amsterdam, Netherlands
designer, dj, thinker. all work copyright protected.

"... tudo o que vejo tem ponto de beleza e crueldade, pois o que é belo é cruel e nao ha nada que se possa fazer àcerca disso." "all i see has beauty and cruelty in it, for all that is beautyfull is also cruel an there's nothing you can do about it."

Thursday, May 20, 2010

butterfly sidekick

my mind burns and stirs,
my blood lives by itself.

fed on the salt of sweaty tears...
my body has its will and everything else follows.

i hurt out of nothing,
fight for whats not mine,
and dream of things long gone.

this is me just as much as my own denial.
its just me wanting to be me.
plain and simple.
oh yeah.

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